Tuesday, June 26, 2007

life long learner

I pledge allegiance to a life long of learning, but no promises on remembering all of it. I thought the life long learner blog was interesting, i would have prefered to have read it as I am alergic to southern accents, and prefer to do "learning" as opposed to "learnin' "

1 comment:

Dances With Keyboards said...

Hey Y'all,
I wuz a-gonna leave y'all a little-teeny-iny note of encouragement on this ol' two-point-naught thang, but y'all done said you ain't go no toleration fer Southern accents. Whut's up wit' that, anyhow?

Nette 2.0

P.S. If'n y'all want to come down heeyer tuh Abing-tun, we can he'p y'all with y'all's two-point-naught 23 thangs in the trainin' lab. That is, if'n y'all kin get you some clearance from y'all's supervisory-type person.
